Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Stuart's Cape

I LOVED this book. It was extremely creative and I thought that it really spoke to a lot of kids. Moving is a hard situation all around for kids, let alone finding something to do when you are bored on top of that. I absolutely loved Stuart's idea for his cape, and I loved when the dinosaur and the other animals show up at Stuart's house and stuart has to explain to them that they shouldn't be offended when he pretends to be them. I also really liked his crazy aunt, and the scene where he planted buttered toast (it also made me really want to eat some toast!) This book is a great way to encourage kids on how to be creative and use their imaginations when they feel that there is nothing to do. Stuart needed the belief that only adventures happened to people with capes, but I think that you could use this to help children realize that creativity really comes from within, not from a cape.

I also thought that this picture was pretty creative, someone tried to make their own rendition of Stuart's Cape!


Aspiring Teacher: said...

Nice assessment. I did not like the book, but your perspective will make me appreciate it a little bit more. Nice touch with the visuals!

Denisse said...

I love your blog!!! It is so cute! I also agree with you about this was TOTALLY cute!