Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Sidewalk Circus

By Paul Fleischman

This is an interesting picture book about a little girl who is sitting at a bus stop who's imagination gets the best of her. Through the shadows of what goes on in the city, the little girl imagines cirucs acts happening from people working, such as two men painting a building who look like trapeze artists, and a man doing construction work who looks like a man walking on a tight rope. The pictures were clever, however the pictures also scared the little girl that I babysit, so I am not sure how age appropriate this book would be. The pictures also creeped me out as well.... I think this a good picture book, but at the same time I can think of better ones. However, I like the theme that this book has of looking at things in a different way.

1 comment:

Lacee E. Jones said...

They kind of creeped me out too!